.. _typographical-conventions: Typographical Conventions ========================= .. meta:: :description: This chapter describes typographical conventions used in the Pyramid documentation. :keywords: Pyramid, Typographical Conventions .. _typographical-conventions-introduction: Introduction ------------ This chapter describes typographical conventions used in the Pyramid documentation. .. _typographical-conventions-glossary: Glossary -------- A glossary defines terms used throughout the documentation. References to glossary terms appear as follows. :term:`request` Note it is hyperlinked, and when clicked it will take the user to the term in the Glossary and highlight the term. .. _typographical-conventions-links: Links ----- Links are presented as follows, and may be clickable. `TryPyramid `_ .. seealso:: See also :ref:`typographical-conventions-cross-references` for other links within the documentation. .. _typographical-conventions-topic: Topic ----- A topic is similar to a block quote with a title, or a self-contained section with no subsections. A topic indicates a self-contained idea that is separate from the flow of the document. Topics may occur anywhere a section or transition may occur. .. topic:: Topic Title Subsequent indented lines comprise the body of the topic, and are interpreted as body elements. .. _typographical-conventions-displaying-code: Code ---- Code may be displayed in blocks or inline. Blocks of code may use syntax highlighting, line numbering, and emphasis. .. _typographical-conventions-syntax-highlighting: Syntax highlighting ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ XML: .. code-block:: xml Some XML Unix shell commands are prefixed with a ``$`` character. (See :term:`venv` for the meaning of ``$VENV``.) .. code-block:: bash $ $VENV/bin/pip install -e . Windows commands are prefixed with a drive letter with an optional directory name. (See :term:`venv` for the meaning of ``%VENV%``.) .. code-block:: doscon c:\> %VENV%\Scripts\pserve development.ini cfg: .. code-block:: cfg [some-part] # A random part in the buildout recipe = collective.recipe.foo option = value ini: .. code-block:: ini [nosetests] match=^test where=pyramid nocapture=1 Interactive Python: .. code-block:: pycon >>> class Foo: ... bar = 100 ... >>> f = Foo() >>> f.bar 100 >>> f.bar / 0 Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero .. _typographical-conventions-long-commands: Displaying long commands ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When a command that should be typed on one line is too long to fit on the displayed width of a page, the backslash character ``\`` is used to indicate that the subsequent printed line should be part of the command: .. code-block:: bash $ $VENV/bin/py.test tutorial/tests.py --cov-report term-missing \ --cov=tutorial -q .. _typographical-conventions-code-block-options: Code block options ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To emphasize lines, we give the appearance that a highlighting pen has been used on the code. .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 1,3 if "foo" == "bar": # This is Python code pass A code block with line numbers. .. code-block:: python :linenos: if "foo" == "bar": # This is Python code pass Some code blocks may be given a caption. .. code-block:: python :caption: sample.py :name: sample-py-typographical-conventions if "foo" == "bar": # This is Python code pass .. _typographical-conventions-inline-code: Inline code ^^^^^^^^^^^ Inline code is displayed as follows, where the inline code is 'pip install -e ".[docs]"'. Install requirements for building documentation: ``pip install -e ".[docs]"`` .. _typographical-conventions-feature-versioning: Feature versioning ------------------ We designate the version in which something is added, changed, or deprecated in the project. .. _typographical-conventions-version-added: Version added ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The version in which a feature is added to a project is displayed as follows. .. versionadded:: 1.1 :func:`pyramid.paster.bootstrap` .. _typographical-conventions-version-changed: Version changed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The version in which a feature is changed in a project is displayed as follows. .. versionchanged:: 1.8 Added the ability for ``bootstrap`` to cleanup automatically via the ``with`` statement. .. _typographical-conventions-deprecated: Deprecated ^^^^^^^^^^ The version in which a feature is deprecated in a project is displayed as follows. .. deprecated:: 1.7 Use the ``require_csrf`` option or read :ref:`auto_csrf_checking` instead to have :class:`pyramid.exceptions.BadCSRFToken` exceptions raised. .. _typographical-conventions-warnings: Warnings -------- Warnings represent limitations and advice related to a topic or concept. .. warning:: This is a warning. .. _typographical-conventions-notes: Notes ----- Notes represent additional information related to a topic or concept. .. note:: This is a note. .. _typographical-conventions-see-also: See also -------- "See also" messages refer to topics that are related to the current topic, but have a narrative tone to them instead of merely a link without explanation. "See also" is rendered in a block as well, so that it stands out for the reader's attention. .. seealso:: See :ref:`Quick Tutorial section on Requirements `. .. _typographical-conventions-cross-references: Cross-references ---------------- Cross-references are links that may be to a document, arbitrary location, object, or other items. .. _typographical-conventions-cross-referencing-documents: Cross-referencing documents ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Links to pages within this documentation display as follows. :doc:`quick_tour` .. _typographical-conventions-cross-referencing-arbitrary-locations: Cross-referencing arbitrary locations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Links to sections, and tables and figures with captions, within this documentation display as follows. :ref:`i18n_chapter` .. _typographical-conventions-cross-referencing-python: Python modules, classes, methods, and functions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ All of the following are clickable links to Python modules, classes, methods, and functions. Python module names display as follows. :mod:`pyramid.config` Python class names display as follows. :class:`pyramid.config.Configurator` Python method names display as follows. :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_view` Python function names display as follows. :func:`pyramid.renderers.render_to_response` Sometimes we show only the last segment of a Python object's name, which displays as follows. :func:`~pyramid.renderers.render_to_response` The application "Pyramid" itself displays as follows. :app:`Pyramid`